December 2022
The Oudin lab celebrates the holidays with some ice skating, a white elephant gift exchange and homemade potluck dinner.
The Oudin lab celebrates the holidays with some ice skating, a white elephant gift exchange and homemade potluck dinner.
Madeleine presents at the SCN8A Clinician, Researcher and Family gathering at the American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting in Nashville, along with collaborators Prof. Chris Burge (MIT) and Dr. Chris Yuskaitis (Boston Children's).
November 2022
The Oudin lab attends the BME Department retreat. PhD student Justinne presents her work and obtains 1st prize for best talk! Congrats! Anna and Haley also presented posters.
The Oudin lab attends the BME Department retreat. PhD student Justinne presents her work and obtains 1st prize for best talk! Congrats! Anna and Haley also presented posters.
We welcome CMDB PhD student Crystal Zhang for her 2nd rotation.
Will's first author paper dissecting the role of sensory nerves in TNBC is officially out at NPJ Breast Cancer!
Madeleine presents our work on the neuronal identity of tumors at Loma Linda University.
Madeleine presents our work on obesity-induced changes in the ECM of the mammary gland promote tumor cell invasion and metastasis at the Obesity Week meeting.
Madeleine presents the lab's work on engineering tumor-ECM interaction in the BME department at UCSD.
October 2022
Congratulations to Hanan Bloomer for being awarded the 1st prize at the Charlton Poster Competition in his category!
Diamond, Sydney and Emily present their research at the 2022 BMES Annual Meeting in San Antonio.
Will's first author paper dissecting the role of sensory nerves in TNBC is officially out at NPJ Breast Cancer!
Madeleine presents our work on the neuronal identity of tumors at Loma Linda University.
Madeleine presents our work on obesity-induced changes in the ECM of the mammary gland promote tumor cell invasion and metastasis at the Obesity Week meeting.
Madeleine presents the lab's work on engineering tumor-ECM interaction in the BME department at UCSD.
October 2022
Congratulations to Hanan Bloomer for being awarded the 1st prize at the Charlton Poster Competition in his category!
Diamond, Sydney and Emily present their research at the 2022 BMES Annual Meeting in San Antonio.
September 2022
Madeleine attends the Mechanobiology Summer School in Spain to present the labs work.
Madeleine presents in the Cancer Innovator Seminar Series at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT.
Madeleine is awarded a Sunrise Award from the School of Engineering for outstanding accomplishments in research.
The Oudin Lab welcomes 3 teams for their senior design capstone projects:
Top: Jeanne Duong, Deepti Srinivasan, Jasmine Kwan working with the Mallidi lab on photodynamic therapy for TNBC
Middle: Ariana Barreiro, Maia Buckwald and Kevin Lyons, working on engineering tools to study the role of neuronal genes in breast cancer metastasis
Bottom:Chiara Romano, Michelle Shub, Malia Brooks and Emily Henrich working on 3d models of tumor cell nerve interactions
Madeleine attends the Mechanobiology Summer School in Spain to present the labs work.
Madeleine presents in the Cancer Innovator Seminar Series at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT.
Madeleine is awarded a Sunrise Award from the School of Engineering for outstanding accomplishments in research.
The Oudin Lab welcomes 3 teams for their senior design capstone projects:
Top: Jeanne Duong, Deepti Srinivasan, Jasmine Kwan working with the Mallidi lab on photodynamic therapy for TNBC
Middle: Ariana Barreiro, Maia Buckwald and Kevin Lyons, working on engineering tools to study the role of neuronal genes in breast cancer metastasis
Bottom:Chiara Romano, Michelle Shub, Malia Brooks and Emily Henrich working on 3d models of tumor cell nerve interactions
Congratulations to post-doc Anna You for her second prize at the Tufts Post-doc Association Poster Session.
August 2022
Congratulations to Haley for passing her quals!!!
Paper accepted! Justinne's paper dissecting the effects of chemotherapy on the liver ECM is out in Matrix Biology. We celebrated with cake and champagne!
Congratulations to Haley for passing her quals!!!
Paper accepted! Justinne's paper dissecting the effects of chemotherapy on the liver ECM is out in Matrix Biology. We celebrated with cake and champagne!
Madeleine and Haley attend the Epilepsy GRC in Barcelona.
July 2022
The lab says goodbye to Ken and Sofia. We wish you the best!
Madeleine, Sofia, Sydney and Savannah participate in the BEST summer workshops to talk to new freshman BESTies about Biomedical Engineering and understand how BME can be used to diagnose, study and treat cancer.
We welcome new BME PhD student Hannah Borges to the lab!
Sydney presents her research at the Signal Transduction by Engineered Matrices GRS.
Madeleine and Anna attend the Signaling by Adhesion Receptors GRC where Madeleine gives a talk on work in the lab looking at the effect of chemotherapy on the ECM of tumor and metastatic sites.
Lab divided for the annual GSBSB relays: Nikki and Hanan in the MD-PhD team and Haley and Madeleine in the CMDB team!!
July 2022
The lab says goodbye to Ken and Sofia. We wish you the best!
Madeleine, Sofia, Sydney and Savannah participate in the BEST summer workshops to talk to new freshman BESTies about Biomedical Engineering and understand how BME can be used to diagnose, study and treat cancer.
We welcome new BME PhD student Hannah Borges to the lab!
Sydney presents her research at the Signal Transduction by Engineered Matrices GRS.
Madeleine and Anna attend the Signaling by Adhesion Receptors GRC where Madeleine gives a talk on work in the lab looking at the effect of chemotherapy on the ECM of tumor and metastatic sites.
Lab divided for the annual GSBSB relays: Nikki and Hanan in the MD-PhD team and Haley and Madeleine in the CMDB team!!
We get out of the lab to attend the Tufts BME BBQ!
Congratulations to Dr. Will Le who successfully defended his thesis!
We welcome MD-PhD student Hanan Bloomer to the lab and MD-PhD student Nikki Kura for a summer rotation
June 2022
Justinne and Sydney are finally able to present their work at a conference - Defining and Defeating Metastasis - held in Heidelberg, Germany.
June 2022
Justinne and Sydney are finally able to present their work at a conference - Defining and Defeating Metastasis - held in Heidelberg, Germany.
Madeleine hosts the 3rd Annual Converging on Cancer at Tufts Symposium, where over 15 labs from all 3 Tufts campuses (Medford, Vet School and Medical School) shared their research. PhD student Will presented his research to represent the Oudin Lab.
May 2022
Annual Oudin Lab Summer BBQ with alumni, current and future Oudin Lab members. So much fun to see everyone! Congrats to Jackson and Will who won the annual cornhole tournament!
Annual Oudin Lab Summer BBQ with alumni, current and future Oudin Lab members. So much fun to see everyone! Congrats to Jackson and Will who won the annual cornhole tournament!
First PhD hooding for Madeleine this weekend at Tufts graduation. Congratulations to Jackson and other Oudin Lab members graduating, Rachel McGinn, Becca Crawley and Elli Diaz.
We welcome 2 new lab members to the lab: Savannah Parker as a research technician and Haley Dame as a CMDB PhD student. Welcome!
Madeleine attends the Annual Tufts BME Alumni Dinner with former Oudin Lab members Nina Pittas, Janani Baskaran and Sara Blake.
Madeleine attends the Annual Tufts BME Alumni Dinner with former Oudin Lab members Nina Pittas, Janani Baskaran and Sara Blake.
Madeleine gives a seminar at the University of Pittsburgh Hillman Cancer Center.
Congratulations to undergraduate research Emily Henrich who is awarded an Astronaut Fellowship!
Madeleine and Haley attend the CMDB retreat on the Cape, where Haley gets to present to her rotation work in the Oudin Lab.
Congratulations to undergraduate research Emily Henrich who is awarded an Astronaut Fellowship!
Madeleine and Haley attend the CMDB retreat on the Cape, where Haley gets to present to her rotation work in the Oudin Lab.
Congratulations to Becca, Elli and Rachel for being awarded the BME Senior Prize for their senior design project in collaboration with the Mallidi lab. These 3 have been working in the Oudin Lab since they were sophomores!
April 2022
Emily presents her research at the Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Emily presents her research at the Undergraduate Research Symposium.
The Oudin Lab goes out to dinner to say goodbye to Jackson and welcome Anna, new post-doctoral fellow in the lab.
Madeleine presents Justinne and Jackson's work on the impact of chemotherapy on the ECM at the Experimental Biology Meeting.
March 2022
Congratulations to Diamond Mensah, who is named at 2022 Goldwater Scholar!!
First PhD student from the Oudin Lab! Congratulations Jackson!!
March 2022
Congratulations to Diamond Mensah, who is named at 2022 Goldwater Scholar!!
First PhD student from the Oudin Lab! Congratulations Jackson!!
Madeleine gives a seminar at Brown University, in the Department of BME joint with the Pathology Program at the Medical School.
February 2022
Madeleine gives a seminar at the NCI.
Jackson's paper is accepted at Cancer Research!
February 2022
Madeleine gives a seminar at the NCI.
Jackson's paper is accepted at Cancer Research!
We celebrate birthdays with our favorite cake from Flour Bakery.
January 2022
We start the year off with an off site retreat to talk about science, but also celebrate the Notice of Award for the lab's new R01.
We start the year off with an off site retreat to talk about science, but also celebrate the Notice of Award for the lab's new R01.